Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Kobbari lousu

Kobbari lousu/ coconut sweet is very easy , soft and yummy sweet. You can use either jaggery or sugar. Use fresh coconut.


grated fresh coconut      1 cup
grated jaggery                1 /  11/2cup
ghee                                1 tbsp
cream/condensed milk/khoa  1tbsp (opt)


-grate the fresh coconut
-grate the jaggery
-keep a thick pan on the flame. When it is hot, drop both the ingredients and stir occasionally on low flame.
-slowly jaggery starts melting and turns into syrup and then thicken.after forming the syrup stir continuously to avoid sticking.
-when you touch the coconut slight string has to be formed. Now try to make a ball. If you can , then it is ready.
-If you keep for a long time later it will either becomes hard or powdered. The taste depends on the syrup . So be cautious.
-now add ghee and cream and mix for 5 more min.
-remove from the flame 
-apply oil to your palm and make balls.
-you can preserve for 15 days. 

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