Thursday, 19 February 2015

Collective Nouns

Here are some collective nouns for children:

-ambush of tigers
-army  of  ants, caterpillars, eagles, frogs, soldiers.
-arsenal of guns
-atlas of maps

-bag of game
-bale of cotton, wool
-band of musicians, robbers
-batch of bread
-battalion of soldiers
-battery of guns, artillery
-bed of snakes, oysters, flowers
-beam of rays
-bench of judges
-bevvy of alcoholics
-bevy of beauties,deer, doves, ladies, maidens, girls, swans
-blush of boys
-board of directors, trustees, examiners
-boll of flour
-bond of women
-bouquet of flowers
-brace of dentists
-brigade of soldiers
-brood of chickens(hatched at the same time)
-bunch of flowers, grapes, keys, 
-bundle of clothes, hay, sticks
-bushel of apples

-caravan of camels
-cargo of goods
-carillion of bells
-caste of flower-pots
-chain of islands, matches
-choir of angels, singers
-clutch of eggs
-clump of trees
-class of students
-cloud of bats, locusts
-clowder of cats
-cluster of cats, bombs, computers, spiders, grapes, grasshoppers, stars,                         diamonds, knots, bananas
-code of laws
-collection of coins, stamps
-colony of bats, fungi, rabbits, rats
-company of actors, merchants, shareholders, soldiers
-congress of delegates, representatives
-council of advisers
-course of events, lectures
-crew of sailors
-cry of dogs, hounds
-culture of bacteria
-curriculum of studies

-deck of sailors
-doctrine of doctors
-draught of fish, butlers
-dray of squirrels
-drift of icebergs
-dropping of pigeons
-dynasty of kings, rulers

-earth of foxes

-faculty of academics
-fall of lambs, leaves, snow, rain
-faggot of sticks, twigs
-festival of balloons
-fleet of boats, cars, ducklings, lorries, ships, trucks, vehicles
-flight of refugees, aircrafts, arrows, bees, birds, insects, locusts, stairs, steps
-flock of tourists, camels, chickens, geese, sheep, birds
-fold of chairs

-gaggle of geese
-galaxy of stars
-gallery of paintings, pictures
-gang of workmen, convicts, robbers, thieves, prisoners
-garland of flowers
-genus of animals, plants
-grid of electricians
-group of people
-grove of trees

-haul of fish(taken in net)
-heap of ruins, sand, stones
-herd of cattle, deer, buffalo, donkeys, elephants, giraffes, goats, horses,                       kangaroos, pigs, swans, oxen, whales, yaks, zebras
-hill of beans
-hive of bees
-hoard of gold, jewels
-horde of savages
-host of angels
-hover of helicopters

-kennel of dogs
-knot of frogs

-leap of leopards
-league of states, powers
-library of books
-litter of puppies, kittens, piglets

-mass of clouds, ruin
-murder of crows
-muster of peacocks, troops

-nest of snakes, ants, eggs, rumours

-orchestra of musicians

-pack of wolves, rats, dogs, cards, asses, hounds
-panel of experts, judges, jury-men
-party of friends
-parade of elephants
-patrol of scouts, soldiers
-patter of footsteps
-peal of bells
-pile of arms, bricks, stones, wood, books
-plague of locusts
-pocket of oranges
-posse of police
-poultry of fowls, ducks
-pound of carpenters
-prattle of parrots
-pride of lions, peacocks

-quire of newspapers
-quiver of cobras, arrows
-quarrel of sparrows

-range of hills, mountains
-rhyme of poets
-round of drinks
-rope of onions, pearls
-row of athletes, chairs, trees

-school of fish, dolphins
-series of events
-set of mathematicians, bowls, tools
-sheaf of arrows, corn-stalks, paper
-shower of arrows, bullets, rain, stones
-sleuth of bears
-slither of snakes
-sloth of bears
-skein of silk, geese(in flight)
-spawn of umbrellas
-stack of arms, corn, hay, wood(piled together)
-staff of officials, servants, teachers
-stock of goods
-string of pearls
-suit of clothes
-suite of apartments, furniture, rooms
-swarm of ants, bees, flies, locusts
-syndicate of capitalists

-team of athletes, players, seals horses
-trail of followers
-tribe of natives
-troop of dancers, scouts, soldiers
-troupe of actors, artistes, dancers, performers
-tuft of grass, hair
-turn of turtles

-volley of shots, bullets

-wake of vultures
-walk of snails
-wreath of flowers

-yoke of cattle(two)|

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