Saturday, 23 July 2016

Lemon Pickle

andhra style lemon pickle. Very easy to make and at the same time can store it for one month. Good combination with curd rice.


lemons               6
salt                     2 tsp
redchili powder  2 tsp
mustard powder  1/4 tsp (opt)
fenugreek powder 1/2 tsp(opt) 


-wash and wipe lemon
-cut into 4-8 pieces
-add salt and store for 2 days.
-3 day add red chilli powder, fennugreek powder and mustard powder. mix well.
-your pickle is ready.
-check the taste. As per your taste if necessary add salt/chili powder.
-store it in a glass/plastic container.
-you try it the next day with white rice/curd rice/chappati/any rice item.
-you can preserve it for 6 months.
-water shouldnt touch it at any stage to avoid fungus.
-if salt quantity is less there are chances of getting fungus.
-for a different taste add tarka also.
-if you havent time time to spend for 2 days, add all the ingredients same day.
-mix the pickle on the 2/3 day .

                               1 tbsp  oil
                               1 tsp  split  urad  dal
                               1/4 tsp mustard  seeds
                                1/2 tsp jeer
                               1 dry chili (opt)
                                1 curry leaf

                               pinch of  hingh
-in a small pan take oil and  heat it.
- add tarka ingredients except leaves and hing.
-once  the  dal  turns  into  golden brown  add curry leaves and hing
-turn off the flame and add the tarka to pickle
-mix well.
 -let it cool an then transfer into a container.

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